Homescapes | Travelscapes

Reid & Nina Callanan

Curated by Bruce Brown

October 10 - December 7, 2024
Opening Reception: Thurs., Oct. 10, 5 - 7pm

About the Show

Featured Artist

Curated by Bruce Brown, Homescapes | Travelscapes features the photography or Nina and Reid Callanan.

Nina Callanan:

I grew up in a household strongly influenced by European traditions that centered on familial relationships and creative expression through craft and the art of storytelling. Those seminal influences are an integral part of the fabric of my daily life and inform my artistic practice. As a young woman, I gravitated to photography because I realized that I had the beginnings of a compositional eye. With that understanding, I worked on my newfound craft and began to understand the art of seeing. Before long, I was on my way to finding my creative voice. 

As a fine-art photographer today, I am committed to celebrating people, places, and moments in an authentic, colorfully rich, journalistic style. My perspective is still deeply rooted in tradition, the human spirit, art, and culture that informed my early years. I’m a photographer, writer, creative spirit, homebody, and am continuously drawn to wondrous moments of everyday life that happen at home, in faraway lands, or just around the corner. 

Reid Callanan:

For fifty years, I have used a variety of cameras to explore and discover the world. I have learned to use photography as a diary to document what I notice and my thoughts and feelings about these glimmers of attention. I record light and color, gesture and beauty, and fleeting moments. Carrying a camera is an opener of conversation and doors, but cameras don't take pictures. A camera is a hunk of metal, but in my hands a creative tool for personal expression. I make photographs from my imagination, curiosity, heart, and often not looking through the viewfinder. 

My favorite cameras are the ones I find easiest to use. Push one button and an image is recorded on film or a sensor. I often miss the moment if I have too many equipment decisions, and it is about moments – slivers of time captured. Many of the photographs in this exhibition were made between 1976 to 2005 with Polaroid SX-70 Autofocus cameras, and more recently with Apple iPhones. The Polaroids are singular, one-of-a-kind images on Time-Zero film made with color dyes that have surprisingly not faded over these many years. For the past ten years, I have made photographs using the camera in my iPhone. I edit a few in-phone and then export them to Adobe Lightroom so I can print them on Epson Exhibition Fiber Paper. 

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