Here & There

Curated by David Row

David Row, Red X (2021)

July 15 - September 11, 2021

Opening Reception, July 15th, 5-7 p.m.

About The Show

The idea is to bring together another generation of artists that continues the long connection between Maine and the New York art world.

- David Row, curator

Since the early 1800s, artists have been drawn to Maine for its rugged coastline, its mysterious, primeval-feeling forests, and its magnificent quality of light. Later, Modernists such as Marsden Hartley, John Marin, Max Weber, and Marguerite and William Zorach made their summer homes here, establishing a trend that continued, post-World War II, when Maine became an annual destination for New York artists seeking respite and rejuvenation from the grit and the fast-flashing pace of the city. This exhibition, featuring the work of 16 established New York-and-Maine artists, celebrates this long-standing and ongoing connection.

Read the review HERE.

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