Eaux, The Water

Marcie Jan Bronstein, Gregory Jamie, Dudley Zopp

Marcie Jan Bronstein, Dawn

Marcie Jan Bronstein, Dawn

October 7 - (EXTENDED) December 4, 2021

About The Show

This exhibition features gorgeously rendered and thought-provoking paintings by three artists working in the unforgiving medium of watercolor. Shared medium and complementary palettes aside, the work in this show was chosen for a certain visual — and visceral — chemistry, but also for a pervasive sense of seeking. Of “trying to say” truths ancient and ineffable, available only in glimpses, and expressed through enigmatic imagery straddling natural and imagined worlds.

These bodies of work also share a sense of vulnerability vis a vis the overwhelming uncertainties surrounding the future of our nation, our planet, and every living thing. Nature’s duality, as a source both of grounding and of abject terror, is pondered to beautiful and fascinating effect.

Zopp, in her artist statement speaks of the tension between the indifference of the earth’s tectonic movements and the fragility of human existence, the tenuousness of all life forms.

Jamie characterizes his practice as working to create his own symbolic language and unspecific mythic beings caught in nightmarish landscapes where abstract and childlike creatures are being punished by nature for wandering outside of their parameters.

Bronstein’s work was drawn from multiple series including Still Point, which stars her beloved cat, Bacio, and references a T.S. Eliot line about the still point in a turning world, which became powerfully resonant to the artist in the wake of the events of 2020: It’s not possible to overestimate the importance of Bacio’s presence during this time.  He has been an anchor, a beacon of calm, and a master of mindfulness.

Read the review HERE.

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