Sara Crisp

Untitled, mixed media with acorns and mica

My work is inspired by the more ordinary aspects of the natural world and human worlds and what I sense as my place within it.

I work on wood panels and use the ancient technique of encaustic which allows me to build up the surface of each painting, layer by layer into a translucent skin. I often embed found natural objects beneath cloudy layers of wax or mica.

My hope is the physicality of the wax, its luster and depth, draws you in its delicate layers ,and that embedded bones, insects and plants and suggest fossilization or preservation . I work form a sense of duality; human and nature; order and chaos; creating a conversation between the square format, circles, patterns and natural elements. Taken together, objects, patterns and forms are my attempt to select and catalog and deify aspects of the natural world as they intersect with the human made world of language and symbol and the world of the spirit. 

~ Sara Crisp

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