Portrait - Black and White


There are voices in our midst that call to us, people who know us by name and speak to something in us - some hope, some dream, some vague idea- waiting to be born. When we least expect it, they make our familiar world strange again and teach us how to find our way in it. - Marcus Bruce

A collection of street photography and portraits taken in Portland, Maine and New York City over the past few years.

“My work focuses on human experience and identity and is informed by the stories of those who have gone before us and those who move among us each day. My interest resides in telling the untold stories, speaking the forgotten voices and capturing personal histories through the photographic image. The photographic document serves to ‘reclaim and revitalize our connection with each other and the past, that long line of ancestors who have gone before us.’ The individual voices and personal histories captured in the images reframe their past and present as part of us. The photographs extend beyond presence; they record thoughts and feelings and provide evidence of their lives.” - Séan Alonzo Harris

Along the way: deep within the spirit and flesh of my being, the fretting breath of ancestors guides theburning faith. Sacred are the visions ingrained like gleaming sermons preached far beyond the face of my night. Give me the courage to know the things of life that I may be worthy of my place. Above all teach me to share the gift. - John Outterbridge

John DanosHARRIS