Life Line

William Manning

Curated by Michael Rancourt

July 25 - September 13, 2024

About the Show

Featured Artist

“I paint.” - William Manning

Life Line showcases the work of William Manning spanning eight decades.  From early abstracted landscapes to three-dimensional standing paintings to recent pure abstractions, the common characteristic of these works is the importance of the line.

A line, of course, is the simplest mark, a length without breadth.  Yet, it is the most fundamental element of visual communication.  It delineates space and form.  It can convey substance.  In fact, the line is so fundamental to our visual language, that we perceive lines where none exist, such as at the boundary between two areas of contrasting color.

Through explicit lines and those implicitly created by color and hard-edged geometries, Manning displays his mastery of our innate visual language.  As captured by art critic Daniel Kany: “All you have to do is follow your eyes and Manning’s works give you a lesson in the language of painting. Because of their dynamism, your perspective becomes the gathering point for your observations and experience. Instead of making you follow their internal logic like a rebus, Manning’s paintings present themselves for you to unravel so that the experience of visual intelligence lies with you.”

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