Stephanie Rayner: Boat of Eternal Return
October 27 - December 31, 2022
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Featured Artists
Stephanie Rayner’s 30’ long masterpiece, BOAT OF ETERNAL RETURN, is Art in Dialog with Death. Boats, like shamans, move between worlds providing the mytho-religious passage between the living and the dead. The Dalai Lama’s nuns travelled from Dharamsala to bless and be blessed by, what they consider, a holy vessel.
In the making of this artwork, Stephanie Rayner says of her experience; “for me, it ran parallel with The Odyssey…a boat, a fourteen-year journey, and the keeping of a promise.
With every Odyssey the individual summons monsters, temptations, distractions and fears. To move though these, while trying to keep faith in the process and in one’s self, inevitably merges the evolution of the artwork with one’s own being.”
Truly, one does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a long time. (Andre Gide)