Peggy Badenhausen

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The work is a pull between rectangular poles and loosely painted configurations, uniting both gestural and geometric abstractions. The central motif is energized by slashing brushstrokes and dripped areas, creating an experience of both discipline and spontaneity.

-Alicia Faxon, Art New England


1982-83 Northampton Printmaking Workshop
1978-81 Montserrat School of Visual Arts, Beverly, Mass. Study in drawing and printmaking.
1969 M. Ed. in Art Education, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1967-68 Tyler School of Art, Rome.
1966 B. A. in Art, Newton College, Newton, Massachusetts


2018 "Wrap It Up," Flatrocks Gallery, Gloucester, MA
2017 Flatrocks Gallery, Gloucester, MA (3 person show)
2015 Firehouse Gallery, Newburyport, Massachusetts
2014 Tavern Club, Boston, Massachusetts
2011 “Italian Grounds”, SRISA Gallery, Florence, Italy
2010 “Italian Influence”, Soprafina Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts
2007 Soprafina Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts (two-person show
2006 Soprafina Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts (two-person show)
2004 Soprafina Gallery, Somerville, Massachusetts (two-person show)
2001 Crosstown Arts, Boston, Massachusetts


2015 “Small is Beautiful,” Cedar Tree Gallery, Essex, Massachusetts
2013 Printmakers Exhibition, Soprafina Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts.
2013 “reThink INK,” 25 Years at the Mixit Print Studio, Iris and B Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts
2012 “reThink INK,” 25 Years at the Mixit Print Studio, Boston Public Library
2010 “wALL: un progetto d’arte,” SRISA Gallery, Florence, Italy.
2010 “thINK” Boston Prinmakers Members’ Show,” Belmont Gallery of Art, Belmont, Massachusetts.
2010 “Relationship- A Print- A Painting,” Soprafina Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts
2009-2001: “Small Works,” Maud Morgan Center for the Visual Arts, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
2009 “Seven Printmakers,” Soprafina Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts.
2008 “New England Impressions II: Exploring the Woodcut,” Concord Art Associaition, Concord, Massachusetts.
2007 “Five Fabulous Printmakers,” Soprafina Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts.
2007 Somerville Prints!, Brickbottom Gallery, Somerville, Massachusetts.
2006 Members’ Juried Exhibition, Danforth Museum of Art, Framigham, Massachusetts.
2006 “Recent Print Acquisitions: The Workshop Portfolios,” DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, Lincoln, Massachusetts.


Ade Skunta and Company, Cleveland, Ohio
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA
Bromberg and Sunstein LLP, Boston, MA
Chitrakala Parishad School of Visual Art, Bangalore, India
Citizens Bank, Boston, MA
Cognos, Japan and Burlington, MA
Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Lexington, MA
DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, Lincoln, MA
Fidelity Investments, Boston, MA
Greylock, Waltham, MA
Liberty Hotel, Boston, MA
Meditech, Westwood, MA
Mudd Library, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio
Novartis, Inc., Cambridge, MA
Putnam Investments, Boston, MA
Scudder, Stevens and Clark, Boston, MA
The Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA
Four Seasons Residences, Boston, MA
Private Collections in USA, Canada, Italy, France, and Great Britain

2019 Point of Departure, collaboration with the Ipswich Moving Company, Ipswich, MA.
2019, 2017, 2015, 2011, 2009, 2003-5, 1999-2001, 1996-7 Open Studios, 11 Miller Street Artists, Somerville, Mass.
2007 Open Studios, Taylor House, Jamaica Plain, Mass.
2002, 1986-87 Visiting Artist, American Academy in Rome.
2002 Advisory Board, Santa Reparata International School of Art, Florence, Italy

Art New England, February/March 2008: “Peggy Badenhausen: New Paintings,” by Alicia Faxon.
The Boston Globe, March 15, 2007: “Galleries” by Cate McQuaid.
Art New England, Feb-March 2006, “Beyond the Categories: A Paint/Print Dialogue,” by Meredith Fife Day.
Big Red and Shiny: An Arts Journal for Boston, Cambridge, and Beyond, Issue #28, “’Hidden in Plain Sight @ Brickbottom,’”
by Anneka Lenssen (, consulted October 16 2005)
Proof in Print: A Community of Printmaking Studios, ed. Sinclair Hitchings and Dorothy Thompson (Boston:Boston Public Library, 2000). Contemporary Impressions, vol. 8 (Spring 2000): “Variation and Continuity: The Workshop Portfolios,” by K. E. Duffin.
The Boston Globe, July 29, 1999: “Galleries” by Cate McQuaid.
The Plain Dealer, January 18, 1991: “Interview with Peggy Badenhausen,” by John Apley.

Singular and Serial: Contemporary Monotype and Monoprint, Catherine Kernan & E. Ashley Rooney, 2019