Pamela Moulton

Nature Figée, mixed media

This body of work was created while Pamela lived in the Loire Valley where she was referred to as “History’s Seamstress”. The feminine stitch composed her language and she collaborated with rural communities, collecting both people and objects. Pamela transformed bygone materials like heirloom lace, antique gloves, anything handmade with love, into installations and tableaux which she imbued with stories collected from the local populations. Pamela always engages her community in her art making process. Her collections, fall under her spell where they undergo a cycle of dismantling, repairing, flattening, piercing, reassembling, multiplication, transforming them into elements that she sews or collages into her work. She employs labor intensive processes, often repetitive to a point that the gestures become meditative, a ritual. These accumulations of materials witness the passing of time and are often commentaries on the environment.
~ Pamela Moulton


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