John Orcutt
Windblown, Victor, Idaho, John & Cynthia Orcutt
John Orcutt is a fine art nature photographer and an avid outdoor enthusiast. Following a distinguished career as an architect, he has pursued his interest in creating an awareness of the necessity for active preservation of fragile places. Through his photographic images, he expresses the inherent beauty of areas endangered by easy public access and frequent visitation. Orcutt aspires to foster in our collective consciousness the need to tread softly on our natural heritage. His work is a call for us all to participate in the act of preservation.
Orcutt’s work has been exhibited widely and is in many public and private collections. He lives with his wife and long time collaborator, Cynthia, a landscape architect, in Kingfield, Maine. Orcutt is a past member of the Board of Directors of two Maine non-profit organizations, the Wolfe’s Neck Farm Foundation and the Maine Huts & Trails.
As we continue to preserve and protect natural public lands, they become increasingly accessible to our growing population. While we encourage and support active participation in the enjoyment of our protected environment, we do so with the expectation that those who visit these areas will come with an understanding of the heightened need to accept a role in the stewardship of these places. By striving to create striking photographs of the places I visit, and by sharing those images with others, I hope to assist in bringing knowledge and understanding of the beautiful, fragile and transitory nature we all must join together to preserve. - John Orcutt
1967 - Bach. Architecture, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
1959 - AB, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
2018 - Enduring Heights - The High Peaks of Maine, Carrabassett Publishing
2015 - 2019 - DownEast Magazine
2014 - Men’s Journal, Online Travel Section
2012 - Maine Magazine Contributer; Backpacker Magazine
2011 -Territory Ahead, catalogue cover
2008 - Bug Light Park, Landscape Architecture
2006 - Photographing Fungi, Nature Photographer
Selected Exhibitions
2012 - Maine State House, Augusta, ME
2011 - Chocolate Church, Bath, ME
New Portland Public Library, New Portland, ME
Carrabassett Valley Library, Carrabassett Valley, ME2010 - Joyce Tenneson’s View Project (traveling, ongoing exhibit)
Maine Huts & Trails (ongoing exhibit)2008 - Drummond Woofsum & McMahon, Portland, ME
2007, 2005 - Bowdoin College, Moulton Union, Brunswick, ME
2006 - GroSmart Maine, Yarmouth, ME