Angela Adams

Design Study #11, acrylic on paper mounted on panel

Natural beauty has been an inspiration for me my entire life. Growing up on an  island off the coast of Maine, I was surrounded by the textures, colors and patterns  in nature. Over the years I have translated the tides, seasons, people and places  that I am inspired by into a design language that I continue to evolve everyday.

~ Angela Adam

Angela Adams grew up on an island twelve miles off the coast of Maine. This island upbringing helped  to shape her unique perspective on design. Fashions and styles come and go on the  mainland, but on the island the decades seem to linger. Angela’s designs are known for their sense  of timelessness, simplicity and balance, all inspired by the remote and harsh natural beauty of Maine  island life. 

Early in her design career, Angela worked as a decorative painter. As her business grew, she sought  an alternative medium for her expanding design repertoire. Rugs were a natural choice due to the  Maine legacy of hand made textiles and floor coverings. She fell in love with the process of hand tufting, a technique that she reinvented to fit her own aesthetic. Angela simplified and translated the  patterns into textural landscapes, hand-tufted and sheared into undulating patterns. 

Inspired by the versatility of this new medium, Angela and husband, fellow Mainer and furniture  designer, Sherwood Hamill, started a design business in 1998. The launch of their initial collection  quickly established Angela as a leader in contemporary design. 

Angela is constantly exploring new mediums for her designs. Recent product additions include  woven fabric, contract and hospitality carpet, tile, stationery, bedding and bath products and  wall covering. Angela continues to combine quality and integrity as she broadens her collection to  create a design-inspired lifestyle.

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